Brothers from other mothers

April 12, 2017  •  1 Comment

My boys may just look like two friends giggling about boy stuff on a beautiful day, placed in just the right place for a photo op. But they truly are authentically bonded in a lifelong complexly wonderful relationship. This image sums up their zest for life. Their ability to find even the smallest things amusing. I just so happen to be there to capture it in all it's glory.

While they may not look like they come from the same family, they share a very special bond. You see, my husband was adopted from South Korea as a baby and raised in America. Our oldest son is also adopted from Korea. Something we had always wanted to do as a way to give back for all the blessings that adoption had brought my husband. Our two youngest are quarter Korean because of their dad's half Korean heritage. So they have the same heritage woven into their genes whether they are blood related or not. We are so incredibly grateful that our oldest son's birth mother chose life for her son. And while she couldn't take care of him, she gave us the honor of raising him. Our boys are incredibly close and it's so amazing to watch them interact and love each other.


Sally Burgess(non-registered)
Yes, I see these happy boys often and tho' they may squabble occasionally, we (grandparents) have never seen it. Happiness comes from feeling secure, feeling equally loved and taught right from wrong. Strong family values create clear expectations along with a balance of praise and consequences for negative behaviors all teach kids responsibility, loyalty, honesty, respect and care for others. These little boys have parents who are instilling all these into these boys and thus, they are happy.
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