The Power of Motherhood

April 10, 2017  •  1 Comment

There is something innate about motherhood that seems to transcend fear, stress, unpredictability, sleep deprivation, self sacrifice, losing yourself and more. It's like a form of torture you are willing to go through because you have an indescribable love for the being in your arms. It's something you can't explain. You want to strangle that being sometimes because they keep you up all night or tear apart the house you just spent hours cleaning. And then, like none of that happened, you would give your life to protect them. Very reminiscent of God's love for us i'd say!

I had the privilege of capturing one of the most amazingly strong, tenacious, courageous and persevering moms I've ever met. She embodies the idea of self sacrifice not only in what she's had to survive, but also physically. At 45, she became pregnant and her auto-immune system decided to protest the pregnancy. Now, a single mom of 3, she suffers from both Vitiligo and Alopecia. She lost most of her hair and her skin lost pigment in patches all over her body. Many mistook her for a cancer patient. But despite the stress on her body and in her life, she has persevered insurmountable odds. Motherhood is hard enough. But add physical conditions, relational issues, and other problems beyond control and you have more than the average person can bare.

Below are some of the beautiful moments we captured.


Some super powerful photos here, I love all the them but the last 2 were especially beautiful to me, such a gorgeous woman, in New Zealand we would call it "Wahine toa" which means woman who stands tall or strong woman. Shes perfect! & as for her beautiful baby! Such a bond is shown Love your work!
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