Current Prices

Package 1 - $200

1 Hr Session, 1 matted 8x12 with Hi-Res digital file, Lo-Res Social Media Gallery (5 pics)


Package 2 - $400

1-2 Hr Session, 2 Matted 8x12's with Hi-Res digital files, 1 Lay Flat Album with all edited images, Lo-Res Social Media Gallery (10 pics)


Package 3 - $600

1-2 Hr Session, 2 Matted 8x12's with Hi-Res digital files , 1 20x30 Custom Framed Wall Piece, All Hi-Res Digital Images


***Please note that Hi-Res digital files will not be included in packages unless stated, but will be available for purchase as a package under A La Carte options.


A La Carté Options:

(These items can only be purchased in addition to one of the 3 packages and can not be used to switch out items)

Lay Flat Album (Includes all edited images) - $100

Wallet Images (set of 4)  - $15

5x7 Matted Image - $55

8x12 Matted Image - $65

11x14 Matted Image  - $75

16x20 Custom Framed Wall Piece - $200

20x30 Custom Framed Wall Piece - $300

All Hi-Res Digital Images - $400


Full session fee is required before the day of shooting. Session fee covers families up to six people. Beyond that, $25 per person will be added. | Additional charges for out of town locations may apply.

We happily accept cash, check or PayPal.